
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sometimes a Girl Just Needs a Chilidog

I love watching Food Network, if you're reading this chances are you do too.  On the Next Food Network Star, they always preach.."figure out who you are as a cook".  I thought about that.  As much as I would love to say I'm a gourmet, deconstructionist type that dabbles in molecular gastronomy and is uber inventive, I can't.  Well, I can SAY that, but it wouldn't be true.  I'm that girl that takes the food we have always eaten.and just makes it a little bit better.
I grew up eating Dairy Queen Chili Dogs from the DQ in Eleanor WVa (holla!!).  And I don't care who or where you are, no other DQ can compete with this one.  I remember being able to buy a chili dog, french fry and a soda (sorry Wva. peeps...POP) for $2, i'm certain came from the couch cushions.
 When I visit my grandparents in Fairmont's a given that we visit Woody's for a hotdog.  Nothing gourmet about it...but it sure is good.
It's hard to find a good chilidog outside of WV in my opinion. A few years ago, we were having a potluck lunch in the office and a good friend of mine, Robbin,who is also a WV. native, brought in dogs in the slowcooker!  I've never had it this way.  And I gotta tell you, cooking your dogs in a slowcooker turns them into another kind of meat.  As close to gourmet as you can get a hot dog. They're tender melt in your mouth delicious. Her hot dog sauce (chili) was as close to home as I remember.  I was so excited when she sent me her recipe the other day.  I modified a little bit so this recipe is based on her original.   But please, no matter what you do..don't forget the slaw.  It's almost as important as the chili :)

  • Robbin's Hotdog Sauce

    1 C. finely chopped onion

    1 clove chopped garlic
    pinch of crushed red pepper flakes (i LOVE spicy chili, so this is to taste)
    1 pounds ground beef - you can add more beef or pork also. This recipe is for only 1lb so if you think you need more just increase the ingredients.
    1 T. black pepper
    1 T. salt
    Dash of Worcestershire sauce
    1 small can tomato paste - after you empty paste into meat, fill can with water and add to mixture.
    1/8 cup of brown sugar
    1 package of sloppy joe mix

    In a large pot, saute the onion, garlic and red pepper in the olive oil until tender but not browned. Crumble the raw hamburger and add to the pot. Brown meat . Add the remaining Ingredients and cook, covered, over low heat, just simmering, for two more hours. (this is when I put my hotdog in a crock pot and add the sauce and let it cook for 2 hours on low..YUMMY
    PS..the longer you cook the dogs, the more tender they'll be.  I don't mind a 6-8 hour simmer.  It's gonna knock your socks off!!

    If you wish a thinner sauce, add more water half way through the final two hours. For thick sauce, cook down, uncovered for a while longer.

             How every good recipe starts: onion, garlic, red pepper flakes

                                And all chili sauces need a little sweetness
                                                  Into the slowcooker
                                              Everyone into the POOL
                                              Sayyyyy Chilidog :)

<-- mustard and onions

                        add the slaw------>

Yes, hot dogs should be eaten off paper plates...


  1. MMMM MMM! those look so good! remind me sort of Chicago dogs! which are the best! ;-) hehe!

  2. So funny you say that. I was thinking about Chicago dogs while writing this. Wondering what Chicago(ans?) would say. Never had one :)

  3. Um yes please!!!! I'm totally making this!
